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Dynamic neuromodulation of aggression by vasotocin: influence of social context and social phenotype in territorial songbirds




The homologous neuropeptides vasotocin (VT) and vasopressin (VP) influence agonistic behaviours across many taxa, but peptide–behaviour relationships are complex and purportedly species-specific. Putative species-specific effects in songbirds are confounded with context, however, such that territorial species have been tested only in resident–intruder paradigms and gregarious species have been tested only in a mate competition paradigm. Using the territorial violet-eared waxbill (Estrildidae: Uraeginthus granatina), we now show that a V1a receptor antagonist reduces male aggression during mate competition (as in gregarious finches), but does not affect resident–intruder aggression in dominant males. However, the V1a antagonist disinhibits aggression in less aggressive (typically subordinate) males. These results are consistent with recent data on the activation of different VT cell groups during positive and negative social interactions. Thus, VT influences aggression similarly across territorial and gregarious species, but in context- and phenotype-specific ways that probably reflect the differential activation of discrete VT cell groups.
机译:同源神经肽血管舒缩素(VT)和血管加压素(VP)影响许多类群的激动行为,但肽与行为的关系是复杂的,据称是物种特异性的。鸣禽中特定的物种效应会与上下文混淆,因此,仅在常驻入侵者范式中测试了领土物种,而仅在伴侣竞争范式中测试了群居物种。现在,我们使用紫罗兰色的陆地蜡嘴鸟(Estrildidae:Uraeginthus granatina),证明了V1a受体拮抗剂可以减少伴侣竞争中的雄性侵略(如在群居的雀科中),但不会影响显性雄性的常住侵扰。但是,V1a拮抗剂可抑制攻击性较小(通常为下属)的男性的攻击行为。这些结果与关于正面和负面社会互动中不同VT细胞群激活的最新数据一致。因此,VT在整个领土和群居物种中的侵略性影响相似,但以特定于上下文和表型的方式可能反映了离散VT细胞组的差异激活。



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